The Chevron Pattern

The Chevron Pattern

Authentic pure exclusive chevron saree

 The Chevron pattern, known for its iconic V-shaped design, is steeped in history. Its name is derived from the Old French term “chevron,” which referred to the architectural feature that resembled a rafter or the bottom angle of a roof structure. The Chevron pattern’s first known appearances date back to ancient Greece, where it was seen in pottery and rock carvings as early as 1800 BC. From pottery, the Chevron design extended to heraldic shields in the 14th century, and with the rise of textiles in the 17th century, Chevron began its journey in fabric design.

 The Beautiful silk Zig Zag as we popularly call it, is derived from the universally popular chevron design used famously by iconic designer Ralph Lauren in his famous pant suits. Its a soft silk hanwoven masterpiece woven especially for Sari Ki Almari.