Kolkata Kettle


Kolkata Kettle is a synergistic exhibition for design and innovation in fashion, art, and crafts from all over the world.


Kolkata Kettle is an exhibition to promote fashion for development by the Rotary Club of Calcutta Midtown. It also conducts workshops to teach you important aspects of design. It invites different startups, artisans, and designers to share a platform to showcase their talents and products. In addition to all of these, there’s the Gallery of Craft Couture in which enthusiastic designers are invited to blend creativity with rich heritage and present a garment design that celebrates a craft of West Bengal along with their unique talent.

In Kolkata Kettle, exhibitors from different backgrounds came together and displayed their beautiful talents. It was amazing to see how one event can eventually connect ideas, designs and people. Kolkata Kettle also provides vocational training to men and women for gaining employment opportunities and earning a respectable livelihood. Honourable people form the Indian and Global fashion industry also participated in this event. Kolkata kettle saw Bibi Russel and Nayanika Chatterjee engaging in the event purely for the love of craft and they left behind a deep impact with their deliberations. This exhibition’s primary focus is to uplift creativity and culture to reach a diverse cross-section of society.
